About the Genius Loci Digest
For over twenty years I've been seeking out alternative stories in our surviving material culture and sharing them with my photographs and words.
For over twenty years I've been seeking out alternative stories in our surviving material culture and sharing them with my photographs and words.
In the late 1990's I had a breakdown that ultimately led me, through a journey that took me away from depression, to a new career in photography. But what was the spark that ignited my journey?
Creating a membership scheme is probably the hardest thing I've ever done..
I think of how fortunate we are to have these places. I’m grateful for the spaces that engage us, that challenge the mundanity of the everyday.
Then, instinctively, I reach into my bag. My fingers graze the edge of my sketchbook. It’s such a comforting feeling - that first touch tingles because of the depth of its meaning. Should I?
Amidst the medieval ridge and furrow are lumps and bumps that mark events from the past, reverberating through this place. It was at Repton that a great Viking army wintered in 873 AD under the leadership of Ivar the Boneless. The lumps and bumps are the boundaries of their camp.
A chance to own a limited edition print of the Saxon crypt at St. Wystan, Repton
The weight of history here is a press. I am so taken in by what I see that I sit down on the cold slab to absorb it. This is a place that has held fast in the eddying tides and swells of chaotic times.