1200+ subscribers join me on my camper-van-camino through the British Isles. Each Friday I post out a digest recording my discoveries in my time-travelling camper van.
I’m Andy Marshall and I'm an architectural photographer. I work in my time-travelling camper van and share my journey with others.
One of the most rewarding responses I've had to the Genius Loci Digest is: "I love seeing the world through your eyes."
For over twenty years I've been seeking out alternative stories in our surviving material culture and sharing them with my photographs and words.
In fact it's a life journey that saved my life.
I find and access places that people wouldn't ordinarily see, or show well known places in a different light.
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Spirit of Place * History * Material Culture * Heritage * Continuity * Photography * Travel * Architecture * Vanlife * Ways of Seeing * Wellbeing * The Historic Environment * Churches * Art * Building Conservation * Community * Place Making * Alternative Destinations * Hidden Gems * Road Trips * Place Writing *
Here's a full VR tour of my camper van:
Click the yellow markers to move to a different perspective. Click the blue markers for more information.