Andy Marshall's Genius Loci Digest: 15 Dec 2023
" ...there are magical places, curated by our forebears, that allow us to escape feudal time, to bathe in an alternative chronology."
Architectural Photographer in a time-travelling camper van. 📸🚐🏛️ Architecture, Travel, History, Place, Material Culture.
" ...there are magical places, curated by our forebears, that allow us to escape feudal time, to bathe in an alternative chronology."
Travelling along the lane to St. Melangells is an act of filtration, a redaction of modernity. The pressing matters of the day are pared down with each passing turn.
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I observe how they tied the past into the warp and weft of the present - a material act of not letting go; a way to preserve the thread of history, as if the world might unravel if they didn’t.
My Genius Loci Digest is heading towards the milestone of 2000 subscribers The Digest is my way of sharing my journey as a photographer on my camper-van-camino throughout the UK. Check out my digest here My Membership Programme gives extra benefits and content to Members and, in return, it helps...
A nod to Banister Fletcher: Timber Framed Buildings
And now, we have reached 100 digests and I'd like to say thank you for your support and patience.
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