"A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed… It feels an impulsion… this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons."

Richard Bach.

Imposter no more.

To lift myself high enough to see beyond the horizon has always been a tricky thing for me: to dare to dream of a new way of working.

I am well and I am happy, but I'm pathologically wired to think that I am an imposter in this world.

One of the reasons I photograph myself in the places I am commissioned to shoot is that it reminds me I'm worthy to be there. I can't quite believe it.

Against all the grain I am, with the intention of breaking through a habitual mindset, listing my long term goals. So here they are:


Current Members: 163 - thank you!

No matter what, I will always be travelling, photographing and writing about places that impact me and my mental health in a positive way. The Genius Loci Digest will always remain free and public facing.

Member Powered Photography (MPP) will continue and I've pledged to carry out a free photo shoot every 20 new members. MPP status can be followed here.


🎉 At 100 Members - Limited Member Powered Photo Shoots (MPP) - ACHIEVED! THANK YOU 🙏

A new Member Powered Photo Shoot is now being created for every 20 members gained. Member Powered Photography Status is here.


📸 At 200 Members - Limited: Member Powered Photo Shoots & Member Powered Expeditions (MPE) (UK)

Introducing Member Powered Expeditions in the UK

Member Powered Photography Shoots will continue plus immersive Member Powered Expeditions on themed tours in Woody. Eg: tour of Saxon architecture in England.


📸 🚐 🏛 At 400 Members - Part Time: Member Powered Photo Shoots & Member Powered Expeditions (UK)

The Members become my part-time employer and will help secure my future travels in a camper van.

Member Powered Photo Shoots and Expeditions will take a new turn. I will be able to spend considerably more time (half my productive week) on MPP and MPE


📸🚐🏛💪🗺️ At 500 Members Plus - Full Time: Member Powered Photo Shoots & Member Powered Expeditions (UK & Europe)

The Members become my employer.

Working full time - in laison with members on photo shoots, projects and expeditions in the UK and some very special projects planned for Europe that tie our architectural heritage together. For example: from Barnack to Ravenna - the Byzantine link..

Thank You!
