Member Powered Photography: Merchant Adventurers' Hall - The Professional Photos.
Member powered photography shoot.
Member powered photography shoot.
A chance to own a limited edition print of Odda's Chapel
Relief washes over me—something new to explore, a welcome distraction from the mental clutter of the morning’s news.
And there are rumours that the synchronicity that sprang from the Roman temple inspired the medieval scholar Alcuin to build the Alma Sophia (Holy Wisdom) here.
Even though we have the darker nights, this is the time of year when sunrise and sunset bless our waking hours. As the day dissipates into the ether, the atmosphere is often charged with motion
Welcome to my virtual Cast Room. On my travels, I've been taking augmented reality casts of things that appeal to me. The Cast Room is inspired by the Cast Courts of the V&A which hold a vast selection of casts taken of great works of art all over the globe. Members Only.
Member Update
Own a Piece of History: Saxon Odda's Chapel, Gloucestershire- media: ink/copic brush pen, watercolour
Merchant Adventurers' Hall