Genius Loci: Mid-week-pick-me-up
Member Update
Member Update
What buildings like St. Mary represent is a vast cognitive reserve, a wondrous and sophisticated cosmos of quivering emotional intelligence. This building is full of tiny signatures, a lexicon that betrays the aggregate human attempt at survival in the desperation of a crisis.
No this really is special - fresh fish from the morning's catch, fresh air and a warm welcome.
The C12th porch at Malmesbury Abbey is like a time portal. The exterior orders depict scenes from creation to ascension including David and Goliath, Samson and the Lion and Noah and the Ark.
I hope that these 12 months taken from the core of my experience might lead you to new paths and new discoveries. I encourage you to go and visit these places and share how they impact your own story because, ultimately, we’re all in this together.
From the ground zero of my breakdown there came about a remarkable journey of enlightenment, of change, of fresh perspectives. Out of the flux of the horror of finding myself cocooned on my bedroom floor, there emerged a new person.
Welcome to my virtual Cast Room. On my travels, I've been taking augmented reality casts of things that appeal to me. The Cast Room is inspired by the Cast Courts of the V&A which hold a vast selection of casts taken of great works of art all over the globe. Members Only.
A nod to Banister Fletcher: Historic Graffiti in Buildings