Be there: Dovecote, Avebury in glorious VR
It's one of my favourite buildings in Avebury. There's something about a circular building that really appeals to me - it never ends.
It's one of my favourite buildings in Avebury. There's something about a circular building that really appeals to me - it never ends.
" It has taken over 300 hours of travel, photography and post production to produce."
"The peeling paint, the muted colours and the rusting iron is no more. Here time’s cataract has been removed, and I’m seeing a building as the Victorians first saw it. "
All Saints was subject to an arson attack in 2015 which left the building a shell. It has taken 8 years of careful planning and skilled conservation to bring the building back to life.
The timing feels right. It’s a singular day with a singular sunrise that’s reflected and repeated innumerably in a host of dew drops in the field before me.
Across a building extruded from the Triassic and Jurassic this isn't just a parable of faith, but also the story of the cosmos itself and our part in it.
Here you can download the VERY high res files from the Wells Light Refinery Series.
I drive into the timeless landscape surrounding Hadrian's Wall. It's a unique place, defined by the ancient ribbon of limestone that runs through it.