📍Loci: The Crafty Crow
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
A nod to Banister Fletcher: The Pelican Symbol
That such an exotic thing with Angkor Watt curves can be hidden within the ballast of a grim winter's day is quite remarkable.
"Before it reaches its location an Oyster Catcher angles in from the west and nudges the bottom of the drone. Instantly it starts to tumble."
It's whilst seeking out a good Danish that I'm at my most vulnerable - have been nearly run over a couple of times whilst transfixed by a shop window full of pastries.
Theres something about walking from darkness into a foggy twilight; moving along as the surfaces start to luminesce, and the light begins to emboss and shape the world.