⟁ Member's Supplement: The Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Deeper dives into place and people for Members Only
Deeper dives into place and people for Members Only
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
I have a visual in my mind: a soul house is being made by Ancient Egyptian fingers, caked in clay, pinching out a stairway, thumbing in a colonnade, pricking out a window. The loved one is within the cross-hairs of the maker’s mind
It's whilst seeking out a good Danish that I'm at my most vulnerable - have been nearly run over a couple of times whilst transfixed by a shop window full of pastries.
Welcome! I’m an architectural photographer. On my van-life travels through the British Isles I’m building up a word and photo-hoard of material culture that celebrates our built heritage and contributes to a sense of place.My van is my time-machine, it gives me fresh perspectives on our remarkab