Andy Marshall's Genius Loci Digest: 30 August 2024
At Hopwood, where Byron’s feet had trod, lumpy clods of plaster had fallen, making their presence known beneath my soles - prickly protestations at the status quo.
At Hopwood, where Byron’s feet had trod, lumpy clods of plaster had fallen, making their presence known beneath my soles - prickly protestations at the status quo.
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
Refined Reflections: The Best of Genius Loci
If you listen carefully, there are nooks that still echo the sounds of people that toiled here once. They are sounds that reside within the nominology of place. It is a prose wrenched from the ice, grit and shale of the valley.
That such an exotic thing with Angkor Watt curves can be hidden within the ballast of a grim winter's day is quite remarkable.
A nod to Banister Fletcher: Timber Framed Buildings
I tell myself that it will pass, but whilst it’s here, I decide to turn my troubles into alms and take advantage of my super-senses.
What I've discovered about this building is that it keeps on telling. It speaks of an architect who was inspired by his own town and community to create a building in harmony with the spaces around it.