A walk along Oxford Road, Manchester
This walk is all about the experiential and the transformative - it takes us into a canopy of trees and then through to the heights of Gothic splendour and on to the pyramids of Egypt.
This walk is all about the experiential and the transformative - it takes us into a canopy of trees and then through to the heights of Gothic splendour and on to the pyramids of Egypt.
Andy Marshall's Treasure Hoard Gazetteer.
Welcome! I’m an architectural photographer and writer. On my van-life travels through the British Isles I’m building up a word and photo-hoard of material culture that celebrates the value and distinctiveness of our built heritage and contributes to a sense of place.My van is my time-machine, it
Welcome! I’m an architectural photographer and writer. On my van-life travels through the British Isles I’m building up a word and photo-hoard of material culture that celebrates the value and distinctiveness of our built heritage and contributes to a sense of place.My van is my time-machine, it
Welcome! I’m an architectural photographer. On my van-life travels through the British Isles I’m building up a word and photo-hoard of material culture that celebrates our built heritage and contributes to a sense of place.
Welcome! I'm an architectural photographer. On my van-life travels through the British Isles I’m building up a word and photo-hoard of material culture that celebrates our built heritage and contributes to a sense of place.
"Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy." Terry Pratchett
"Heaven and earth, the Celtic saying goes, are only three feet apart, but in thin places that distance is even shorter. They are places that make us feel something larger than ourselves, as though we are held in a place between worlds, beyond experience."Kerri ni Dochartaigh (Thin Places)
"The light was astonishing today, the air whitening the sunlight, the cold burnishing the blue, the light like absence of smell in the air, both bright and bleaching. There seemed to be no dapple, no interplay of shadow and light.