Andy Marshall's Genius Loci Digest: 1 Mar 2024
These conservators, these minimal interventionists, aren’t simply curators of the paint pot and infill, but also guardians of a rich cultural tapestry that teaches us what it means to be human.
These conservators, these minimal interventionists, aren’t simply curators of the paint pot and infill, but also guardians of a rich cultural tapestry that teaches us what it means to be human.
What buildings like St. Mary represent is a vast cognitive reserve, a wondrous and sophisticated cosmos of quivering emotional intelligence. This building is full of tiny signatures, a lexicon that betrays the aggregate human attempt at survival in the desperation of a crisis.
Welcome to my virtual Cast Room. On my travels, I've been taking augmented reality casts of things that appeal to me. The Cast Room is inspired by the Cast Courts of the V&A which hold a vast selection of casts taken of great works of art all over the globe. Members Only.
Ashwell in Hertfordshire is full of the vernaculars: timber framed buildings to fill your boots dashed with a touch of pargetting.
Ashwell in Hertfordshire is full of the vernaculars: timber framed buildings to fill your boots dashed with a touch of pargetting.
There's a rap on the door. It's Caroline the architect - I'm still in my orrery. I exit the van via the rear door and hand her a rainbow baton we found earlier in the Orangery - left over from a wedding at the weekend. The tailgate hisses as it rises. I feel like Major Tom exiting an air lock.
The Ancient Yew - Visitors Guide
Welcome I’m an architectural photographer and writer. On my van-life travels through the British Isles I’m building up a word and photo-hoard of material culture that celebrates the value and distinctiveness of our built heritage and contributes to a sense of place.My van is my time-machine, it
Welcome! I’m an architectural photographer and writer. On my van-life travels through the British Isles I’m building up a word and photo-hoard of material culture that celebrates the value and distinctiveness of our built heritage and contributes to a sense of place.My van is my time-machine, it