Comperandum - The Foliate Head
A nod to Banister Fletcher: The Foliate Head
A nod to Banister Fletcher: The Foliate Head
A nod to Banister Fletcher: Misericords
Welcome to my virtual Cast Room. On my travels, I've been taking augmented reality casts of things that appeal to me. The Cast Room is inspired by the Cast Courts of the V&A which hold a vast selection of casts taken of great works of art all over the globe. Members Only.
Welcome to my virtual Cast Room. On my travels, I've been taking augmented reality casts of things that appeal to me. The Cast Room is inspired by the Cast Courts of the V&A which hold a vast selection of casts taken of great works of art all over the globe. Members Only.
The vast matrix of interaction between humans, throughout huge stretches of time, has diluted into a collective consciousness enriched by remarkably beautiful and striking things that have been passed on to us with their meaning intact.
It's a remarkable site within the context of the choir stalls
The finials, bench ends and misericords are exquisite - each carving holds a remarkable amount of detail.