Andy Marshall's Genius Loci Digest: 26 Jan 2024
Each and every building in Lavenham has a story to tell, either within the pattern of the dragon post or writ large within a wall.
Each and every building in Lavenham has a story to tell, either within the pattern of the dragon post or writ large within a wall.
A nod to Banister Fletcher: Timber Framed Buildings
I plumped for Birdoswald and missed the opportunity of ever seeing one of the most photographed trees in the country. On 28 September the tree was unlawfully cut down in the dark hours.
"Could the essence of a place hold a palpable and manifest memory of the past through the process of quantum entanglement? "
After difficult times in my thirties, I found salvation in the vernacular.
Pure Scroll....
Pure scroll...
Because I work from a camper van, I’m used to the odd flannel wash, and there has been occasions where I’ve missed that procedure all together...