2000+ subscribers join me on my camper-van-camino through the British Isles. Each Friday I post out a digest recording my discoveries in my time-travelling camper van.
I’m Andy Marshall and I'm an architectural photographer. I work in my time-travelling camper van and share my journey with others.
I changed my vocation to a photographer after having a breakdown. Photography changed my life.
I call my journeys my 'camper-van-camino', and I take the road less travelled.
I find and access places that people wouldn't ordinarily see, or show well known places in a different light.
Wells Cathedral through the day.
One of the most rewarding responses I've had to the Genius Loci Digest is: "I love seeing the world through your eyes."
I share my adventures every week, and I'm overwhelmed at the response.
🎉 Free hi-res download of my best selling architectural door digital print for new subscribers.
Spirit of Place * History * Material Culture * Heritage * Continuity * Photography * Travel * Architecture * Vanlife * Ways of Seeing * Wellbeing * The Historic Environment * Churches * Art * Building Conservation * Community * Place Making * Alternative Destinations * Hidden Gems * Road Trips * Place Writing *
Here's a full VR tour of my camper van:
Click the yellow markers to move to a different perspective. Click the blue markers for more information.
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