PRESS RELEASE: 2000 Subscribers Celebrate the Journey of Genius Loci Digest

Photographer Finds Healing and Connection Through the Power of Place

October 2024 – Andy Marshall, an architectural photographer and storyteller, is delighted to announce that Genius Loci Digest has reached 2000 subscribers. The digest, which documents Andy’s travels across Great Britain, offers not only a visual exploration of historic and evocative places but also a deeply personal journey of self-discovery, mental wellbeing, and resilience.

The digest, which remains free to all, invites readers to experience how the places we inhabit can calm, inspire, and support us. For Andy, this journey began following a personal breakdown that led to a complete career change. Turning to architectural photography, Andy found a way to reconnect with his environment and, in doing so, with himself. Through the weekly editions of Genius Loci Digest, he shares the ‘spirit of place,’ offering readers moments of reflection and stillness in a world that often feels too fast-paced.

“Genius Loci began as my way of sharing the places that helped me heal,” says Andy. “But as I travelled, I realised it wasn’t just about the external world—it was about caring for my inner world too.

Through Genius Loci Digest, Andy also encourages a sense of curiosity and new ways of seeing the world. His photography and writing invite readers to look more closely at their surroundings, discovering hidden details that often go unnoticed. This shift in perspective is at the heart of his storytelling, fostering a deeper connection with the places we inhabit.

Andy’s journey is also one of resilience in the face of adversity, including the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, which caused a downturn in traditional work opportunities. In response, Andy turned these challenges into an opportunity, developing a paid membership scheme that sustains his work while ensuring the digest remains free and accessible. Paid members receive additional photography, writing, and exclusive content, supporting Andy’s mission to continue sharing the stories of place.

The success of Andy Marshall’s Genius Loci Digest is part of a wider shift away from the fleeting nature of social media towards a deeper appreciation for long-form content from trusted voices.

As Genius Loci Digest continues to grow, it offers not just a photographer’s view of architecture and landscapes, but also an invitation to everyone seeking connection, peace, and a sense of belonging in their own lives.

You can see Andy Marshall's Genius Loci Digest at this url:



Email contact: hello[at]

More about the Genius Loci Digest here:

More about the Genius Loci Digest
My Journey Continues.. I’m on a journey that has taken me away from the darkness of breakdown and depression into a realm of places that harbour stories that help me understand myself and find hope in the world around me. I share my experiences via the Genius Loci Digest. This

Images: for access to images contact me at above email address.